Frank Valdez

1731 15th St. San Francisco, CA 94103 · (510) 209-5731 ·

An intuitive Fullstack Engineer with a strong background in troubleshooting, refactoring and improving complex systems.

I began my career with four years of cutting my teeth working in high-stress technical positions, building my diagnostic toolbelt and increasing my deductive skills. With a Web Development Bootcamp from U.C. Berkeley, a number of varying projects, and over a year of experience, I've become a confident Fullstack Engineer with experience in React frontends and Python backends.


Programming Languages & Tools

Projects & Work

(Hover over titles for options)


Fullstack Engineer
Scoutible has developed a pre-hire assessment tool used to measure applicants' aptitude and their probability of success on a team of employees.
Worked as a full stack engineer to grow the recruiter dashboard, administrator tools and the public site features. Architected, documented and implemented multiple end to end features in a number of applications.
Built using:
  • ReactJS
  • Redux (Sagas)
  • Styled Components
  • CSS Modules (LESS)
  • Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, Cypress
  • Falcon and Flask REST API
  • Elastic Search
  • Google Cloud Platform
November 2018 - Current


Frontend Engineer
A cross-platform professional networking application designed to facitiltate professional connections among underrepresented minorities.
Worked as the only frontend engineer architecting and implementing features to the React-Redux web application.
Built using:
  • ReactJS
  • Styled Components
  • Redux (Thunk)
  • Node.JS
  • WebSockets
July 2018 - November 2018


CRUD application built using MySQL, jQuery and Handlebars.
Built using:
  • Bootstrap
  • Handlebars
  • jQuery
  • Node.JS
  • Express
  • MySQL


A challenging game of snake with adjustable difficulty settings.
Built using:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • ES5-8

Guessing Game

Memory game built using React.
Built using:
  • ReactJS
  • Node.JS
  • Express

Hangman (CLI)

Command line version of Hangman.
Built using:
  • Node.JS
  • inquirer (npm package)
  • cli-color (npm package)

Bamazon (CLI)

Command line marketplace application with multiple customer and manager views, built using MySQL.
Built using:
  • Node.JS
  • inquirer (npm package)
  • cli-color (npm package)
  • cli-table (npm package)
  • MySQL

Liri (CLI)

Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface, command line tool that sends requests to Spotify, Twitter and OMDB.
Built using:
  • Node.JS
  • inquirer (npm package)
  • cli-color (npm package)
  • request (npm package)
  • Twitter and Spotify npm packages


UC Berkeley Extension

Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp
JavaScript coding bootcamp focused on MERN Stacks
January 2018 - April 2018

Tennyson High School

Community MultiMedia Academy
Multimedia Technologies (HTML, CSS, InDesign, Photoshop)
August 2010 - June 2014


Coming from a technical background I've always enjoyed tinkering with old projects and troubleshooting bugs. I keep a number of hobbies and interests that I rotate depending on the season, like working on personal projects, checking in on the newest features on forums, hiking and camping at national parks or just cruising on my motorcycle. No matter the hobbie, I'm always looking for new ways to improve myself.