Frank Valdez

SF Bay Area · (510) 209-5731 ·

An intuitive Fullstack Engineer with experience implementing modern solutions to solve real world problems.

After years of working high-stress technical repair roles, I decided to expand my horizons and enter the digital world.

With a Web Development Bootcamp from U.C. Berkeley, a number of varying projects, and over two years of experience; I've become a confident Fullstack Engineer with extensive experience in all kinds of React front ends.

Projects & Work

(Hover over titles for options)

Verizon Media - Yahoo Shopping/Search

Frontend Engineer
January 2020 - Current
Yahoo Shopping is an online cataloging and affiliate platform designed to assist customers with product discovery, and interest development.
As a Frontend Engineer for the Verizon Media Commerce Team, I worked on the commerce team's projects, as well as leading the commerce effort on the Yahoo Search project.
Tech used:
  • ReactJS
  • Styled Components
  • Apollo Client/Server + GraphQL
  • NextJS + GraphQL
  • YUI + Vanilla JavaScript
  • Handlebars
  • PHP


Fullstack Engineer
November 2018 - January 2020
Scoutible has developed a pre-hire assessment tool used to measure applicants' aptitude and their probability of success on a team of employees.
Worked as a full stack engineer to grow the recruiter dashboard, administrator tools and the public site features. Architected, documented and implemented multiple end to end features in a number of applications.
Tech used:
  • ReactJS
  • Redux (Sagas)
  • Styled Components
  • CSS Modules (LESS)
  • Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, Cypress
  • Falcon and Flask REST API
  • Elastic Search
  • Google Cloud Platform


Frontend Engineer
July 2018 - November 2018
A cross-platform professional networking application designed to facitiltate professional connections among underrepresented minorities.
Worked as the only frontend engineer architecting and implementing features to the React-Redux web application.
Tech used:
  • ReactJS
  • Styled Components
  • Redux (Thunk)
  • Node.JS
  • WebSockets


A challenging game of snake with adjustable difficulty settings.
Built using:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • ES5-8


Hot dog listing CRUD application built using MySQL, jQuery and Handlebars.
Built using:
  • Bootstrap
  • Handlebars
  • jQuery
  • Node.JS
  • Express
  • MySQL


Coming from a technical background - I've always enjoyed tinkering with things. I like to keep a number of hobbies and interests that I rotate depending on the season. Some hobbies include: working on personal software projects, working on cars or motorcycles, riding my bicycle, and hiking.

No matter what, I'm always looking for ways to get better and have fun.